Tickle the goat under it's chin.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Keep your chins up.
Not enough cement
Kick the alter boy in the chin )
Kick the altar boy in the chin.
He developed a ten Chin deficit disorder.
Chin and Tonyk !
A: Make her stand in a barrel. If her chin is over the top she's old enough. If it isn't cut the barrel down a bit.
Walnuts. What do you call balls on a chest Chestnuts. What do you call balls on a chin My throne
Me: See all those hairs on my chin No. Me: Exactly.
Kick the alter boy in the chin
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Chin up pal.
They tickle the goat on the chin.
A: Tulips.
Two chickens and a goat.
The turkey said gobble, gobble, gobble. The goat said back abdul akbar before blowing up.
What makes the loudest noise in the jungle?
Owch! it hertz
Aids develops itself
If you leave the yogurt for 100 years alone, it develops a culture.
They don't have time.
Aloha Snackbar!
Haram bea
Sandals in the Bin
Elton's John
tickle its balls.
Ten tickles