Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
When they came to Ellis Island, not one of them could speak a lick of English, but they all had "To NY" on their hats.
When they ship them over from the Old Country, they stamp "To N.Y." on them...
Because when they immigrated from Italy, customs stuck a label on their lapel reading ToN.Y.
Theeeeeeeeey Never expect the Spanish Inquisition!"
That rig a Tonys.
Because to get him you have to rig-a-tony..
Because as they got on the boat to leave Italy, they were stamped on the head, "TO NY".
Chin and Tonyk !
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
To get to the other side. He then turned around, stuck up his middle finger and said, "Hah, you were all expecting a joke, and all you got was an Anthony joke!"
They want to look like their mothers.
A mute. Sorry if repost.
Little Caesars!
The KFC Drive-thru line.
You can't lick a woman dry. Rimshot*
It's finger licking good.
When one votes, it changes something, making things worse. When another votes, it doesn't change anything, making things worse.
Big holes all over Australia !
Student: I don't know, my tv doesn't pick it up
A: The dog taped his mouth.
So their hats are right side up when they go to aim.
You go on ahead, I'll just hang around.
Walnuts. What do you call balls on a chest Chestnuts. What do you call balls on a chin My throne
Me: See all those hairs on my chin No. Me: Exactly.