Lourdes. Mother Theresa always goes there.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Tally Hoes
E.T actually learned English and wanted to go home.
SMILES because there is a mile between the first and last letters!
A Corpseman. Painfully obvious, yet a terrible play on the English language, I know. It was something I came up with a few years ago, for some unknown reason.
Because it's Lit.
He wrote, "i is the square root of negative 1."
Because running is past tents.
E.T learned English and wanted to go home.
Incorrectly is the only word spelled I n c o r r e c t l y
One is still in the EU.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
An AE I.O.U. P.S. Im proud of this one :3
Because it's lit
A well educated Barista
When they came to Ellis Island, not one of them could speak a lick of English, but they all had "To NY" on their hats.
A native Texan saying, "Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttt."
Past tense.
The harder you hit them, the more English you get out of them.
He wouldn't turn in his essay
American: You mean the elevator? English: Yes, we call it a lift. American: It's called an elevator. We invented it. English: And we invented the language.
A teabag stays in the cup longer! (im so sorry -)
A teabag stays in the cup longer...
Girls, like, have a much better, like, grasp of, like, similes.
Because there is a mile separating the two s'es.
Ello, 'ello, 'ello!
A French pig goes, "Oui! Oui! Oui!" all the way home.
I do."
Speed bump ahead
He wanted someone who understood and case.
Kids are their definition of a good time.
because he always put 5 commas before chameleon.
A teabag stays in the cup longer
Subordinate clauses. ... I'll see myself out.
The harder you hit 'em, the more English you get out of them.
Ello 'ello 'ello, you look 'armless, 'op in."
Because the pilot kept ending sentences with a preposition, over.
You don't speak English fourchette!
A bull-shiht!
Americans. Alternatives: What's the only thing Americans and the French agree on? The English. What's the only thing the English and Americans agree on? The French.
A pomegranate.
Disclaimer: I don't know how well this joke will work in english. What's yellow and lies in a pond? An excevator. You don't think this is funny? Neither does the operator.
My English Monologue Draft...
Alfred the grate !
OC) Too many persuasive esses.
An English actuary can tell you how many people are going to die next year. A Sicilian actuary can give you their names...
About 3000 miles !
Pigeon English !
Because it's
in the MLA boxing ring
Hmm.. Couldn't have worded that better myself, Luke"
English teachers and Alzheimer's patients
When the English got Crecy
Synonym Grahams
The harder you hit em' the more English you get outta em'!
His poem had ABAD rhyme pattern.
A synonym roll
Fine. I used to be one who couldn't understand the English men, and now it's the English men who can't understand me."
By her suntan !
The harder you hit it the more English it picks up!
AND which is worse. . . the overdoing of selfies OR not knowing how to use the English language
They both hand out long sentences.
The guy would survive the first round.
When she hands out long sentences.
They prefer complete sentences.
The harder you hit them the more english you get.
An English sleep dog.
Because they speak English.
Pupil: Smiles - because there is a mile between the first and last letters
Five more years of Cameron"
E.T. learned English and went home.
Their knees. (Not sure if this one translates well to english)
Tea N' Tea.
American: You English are insane Shotguns can't get pregnant
The harder you hit them, the more english you get out.
Norman Rock Wells.
HUSBAND: "An English girl." After a month, wife returns.. HUSBAND: "Where is my gift " WIFE: "Wait for nine months!"
Burgers ma'am."
Smiles. There is a mile between the first and the last letter.
the harder you hit 'em the more english you get
Me: *Thinking about how dogs understand more English words than I understand dog words* Science stuff.
The German knows when he's not speaking English.
I dunno 200 years of colonialism and eurocentric education, how do you know so little history "
A: The English cat. Un deux trois cat sank.
A: "Nobody's perfect!"
smiles. Because there's a mile between both S.
Student: I don't know, my tv doesn't pick it up
E.T. learned English and wanted to go home
The harder you hit it the more English you get
First he'll bellowulf at you, then he'll shakespeare
Sorry, eh.
Because they were being "brewed"
I keep asking people, but they don't know either.
Because they'll always let friends access their private members. Ba dum tiss.
FLASH... AAAHHHHHHHH. Its the language of the universe...
A black rushing
Their best swimmers are all in American waters.
Jock itch.
That would be a dead giveaway.
Because it's a loaded question!
They use French resistors.
It saves so much time.
They have bad mammaries.